Hiramani Majhi is a 20-year-old certified nursing assistant hailing from Odisha. All clients that she has worked for have concurred that she is extremely sincere and compassionate. Here are excerpts of an interview with her where she describes a typical day caring for a bedridden patient.
When did you join Life Circle?
I joined Life Circle in September 2016.
What kind of patients have you cared for? Where did you stay the longest?
I have cared for two bedridden patients, one patient that required mobility assistance and a dementia patient undergoing chemotherapy. I spent 4-5 months caring for Mr. Baburao who was a frail and bedridden senior and passed away recently.
Tell me about a typical day caring for Mr Baburao.

Hiramani Majhi
I would feed him liquid food (prepared by the patient’s family) through a Ryle’s tube every 2 hours. In addition to that, I had to wash the patient’s soiled clothes in the morning. It used to keep me very busy until 12-1 pm.
The patient had many bedsores at the time I started to care for him. So, cleaning the area and applying medicated cream drastically improved his condition in a month’s time. Every 1-2 hours, I would also change his position.
I used to change the patient’s diapers as and when required.
In the evenings, I would massage the patient’s hands and legs with coconut oil and repeat some exercises. A physiotherapist would visit the patient regularly. He had given me an exercise schedule to follow which I did religiously.
My day was mostly packed with care activities but I used to take short breaks in between to watch TV or talk to my family over the phone.
The patient’s last feed would be at 10 pm. I would then go to bed by 11-11.30pm.
How did the patient’s family treat you?
They were very good people and treated me with respect like just another family member. Also, I always got help from his family members (his sons). To feed the patient, I had to get him in the sitting position. I always needed help to lift the patient and someone was always there.
Do you like your job?
I really value my job as a certified nursing assistant at Life Circle and I’m proud to support my family financially.
