Quality of care
Quality of care plays a crucial role in home care. Sadly, a majority of nursing agencies provide home attendants who fall short of basic skills vital for elder services. Therefore, families hiring home attendants will have to train them once again. This causes tremendous strain on the family members especially the primary family caregiver(s).
However, the team at Life Circle Senior Services, a home nursing care provider, is poles apart from many others in the trade. The company does thorough background work before putting any home attendant on the job.
Great effort is put into training and briefing home attendants before they are sent on assignments. A Life Circle Nurse officer takes the lead. He or she not only monitors the work of the home attendant but also creates a home nursing care regimen, ensures the quality of care is of a high standard and there are no shortcomings. He or she continually monitors the patient’s health.
Role of a Nurse Officer
Life Circle Senior Services offers customized home care services. The deciding factors will be the elderly patient’s health condition and the level of care. A certified nursing assistant competent enough to handle the elderly patient as well as the patient’s health condition is put on duty.
The nurse officer develops a Patient Care Plan. It includes a medication schedule, meals’ schedule, massage sessions, recreation periods, and a daily routine. He or she then makes periodic visits to the home of the elderly patient and monitors the patient’s vitals. The nurse officer also monitors the work of the home attendant based on regular feedback given by the patient’s family. In this way, the Life Circle team achieves the desired quality of care.